Grand Square - Birgits Danse

To Hanne
By Birgit Rasmussen 2003
Square, with five Couples
Level: Difficult


The four couples allemande right corner, in the middle allemande right partner (8)
All five couples swing partner (8)
Four couples make a square, the zeroth gent in the middle looks up to 1st couple, and the lady looks down to 3rd couple


0th lady to 3rd gent, 0th gent to 1st lady, allemande right once around, back to the middle, pass partner, give five with left hand (8)
0th lady to 1st gent and 0th gent to 3rd lady, allemande right once around, back to the middle, pass partner, give five with left hand and turn 3/4 (8)


0th lady to 4th gent and 0th gent to 2nd lady, allemande right once around, back to the middle, pass partner, give five with left hand (8)
0th lady to 2nd gent and 0th gent to 4th lady, allemande right once around, back to the middle (8)


All promenade once around, 0th couple in front af 1st couple who will change to be 0th couple and end in the middle
0th couple becomes 1st, etc. (16)

There will always be a zeroth couple, starting with 0th, then 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th; 0th will end as 0th. The main part is thus danced five times.

I have as an example used the following for the beginning and end. There is no break in the middle.


All in a circle 0th, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th couples dosido partner (8)
dosido corner (8)


Allemande left the corner (8)
Right hand to partner, grand right and left the whole way around (8)


Continue (8)
Continue (8)


Balance and (4)
Swing partner, 0th end in the middle (12)

Music: Salmonberry: New England Contra Dance Music: Round the Horn, Jackie Tar, Goodnight and Joy Be With You

This dance is inspired by a dance from a course in folkdances from Schleswig-Holstein given by Wolfgang Schlueter in 2002.
Hanne turned fifty. She is a very good dancer, and she is the treasurer of Grand Square since the start of the group.

ID: 2082
